Thursday, May 20, 2010

4q #4

1. What made the Big Bang "bang?" In other words, why didn't the universe just stay in a tiny little sphere the size of a golfball? More details = more points.
2. What do you think would happen if you went into a black hole? Scientists only know what happens until you get to the event horizon. Anything beyond that is really just an educated guess. More details = more points.
3. Tell me what you think about worm holes? When you pass through one, where do you go? WHEN do you go? More details = more points.

1. I think the Big Bang went Boom because like many things the universe is caught in a cycle. The cycle at some point goes boom, then it expands to the farthest reaches possible, and then retracts until the size of about a golfball, and then repeats.

2. I think if a person were to enter a blackhole that they would survive actually be put into like a vacume bag along with all other absorbed things inside the black hole while it destroys one universe, and creates another.

3. I think wormholes are tears in the timespace continueum, and they allow those using them to traverse all distance and time so long as they dont alter the past, present, or future.

4q #6

1. What was your favorite Geology topic this year? Why?

2. What was your favorite Meteorology topic this year? Why?

3. What was your favorite Astronomy topic this year? Why? (Include a picture for #1, #2, OR #3)

4. What grade do you think you earned on the Final Exam? What did you do to prepare? Is there anything that you wish you had done differently?

1. My favorite Geology time this year was when we were learning about minerals and you gave us rocks to eat, and I liked it most because free food.

2. My favorite Meteorology topic this year was the clouds because it was my first recession style field trip.

3. My favorite Astronomy topic this year was learning about black holes because black holes can destroy anything.
4. I think I got like a 94 because I got arrogant and didn't study. I should have studied.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Friday, April 30, 2010

4q #3

1. What are the four ways scientists can detect planets?
2. Which way makes the most sense to you? Explain it.
3. Explain the concept of the "Goldilocks Zone."
4. If Gilese 581c does have life, what do you think it would look like? How would it act? Would it be intelligent?
5. Do you believe in aliens? Why or why not? Give me a solid paragraph.

1. Radial Velocity, Astrometry, Transit Method, Optical Detection
2. Astrometry because it is essentially using geometry for space problems.
3. The area in space where everything is just right to sustain life.
4. I think it would look like mutated fish, be semi intelligent, and act surprised to see us.
5. I beleive in Aliens. I have grown up with the idea firmly in my head that aliens exist. When I was young I watched a lot of Star Wars, and Star Trek. I have always wanted to meet another life form , but i dont think they will in any way resemble what we know.

Monday, April 26, 2010

4q #2

1. What is the primary gas in the Jovian atmospheres?
2. What is the primary gas in Mars and Venus?
3. If you had to visit one planet, which would it be? Why? Give me a solid paragraph. (consider many factors such as location, temperature, atmosphere composition, and anything else you you feel is important)

1. Hydrogen
2.Carbon Dioxide
3.If i had to go to a planet I would go to Venus. Venus is like the Earth in many ways often including that it is considered its twin. They both have decent percentages of Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen. It also would be the least change in temperature, and the shortest trip.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

4q #1

1.Dark matter- Evidence for missing mass in galaxies. Dark matter is considered the missing mass within an area. It is apparently formed when dark energy particles collide they take electrons and positrons. Apparently it makes up about 25 percent of the universe's energy density

2.Dark energy- A mysterious force that is accelerating the growing of the universe. Some beleive that it halts the dark matter from expanding. With ever increasing technology we are slowly gaining the ability to see dark energy and dark matter. Apparently it will become key in reversing gravitational build up to stop the universe from tearing itself appart.

3.Search for aliens (SETI)- The search for aliens is always going to be a human objective. Just like with how humans search for new species of life on Earth we will search the farthest reaches of space to fint Extra Terrestrials. I think we will try anything from radio communications to personal meetings and beyond.

4.Mars- Mars is the red planet. It is one of Earth's nearest neighbors, and is the farthest terrestrial planet in our solar system. Once beleived to hold life Mars is a barren wasteland.

5.The Moon- The moon is something that has fascinated the people of earth for centuries. It is trapped in the earth's gravitaional field, and takes about 30 days for a full circulation. This is one of the few space items that human beings have landed on. The first contact with the moon was when Neil Armstrong stepped foot on the moon's surface in the early 1960s or late 1950's.

Monday, April 19, 2010

3q 6

1. Which blog was your best this quarter? Why?

2. What topic did you enjoy learning about the most (from chapter 17-20)? Why? Include a picture.

3. What grade do you deserve for your 3rd Quarter Blogs? (Keep in mind some basic math. If you only did 3 out of 6 of them you cannot earn above a 50%.)

1. This blog is my favorite because it is the last one of the quarter.

2. I enjoyed learning about tornados the most because they blow stuff up

3.I deserve around a 90 because i did all of my blogs, but not all of them are in complete thoughts

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Friday, April 9, 2010

3q #4

1. Check out Fayetteville's pollen forecast. Which is affecting us the most right now: tree, grass, or weed pollen? Specifically, which trees, grasses, or weeds?

2. "You're Surrounded by Pollen," so read this article. What is needed for a "perfect storm" of pollen?

3. Choose a microscopic image of pollen. Which one looks the best to you? Why? Where is this pollen commonly found? Write a paragraph in your own words explaining this specific type of pollen. Include a cool-looking picture. You may need to use other websites to help you.

1. Oak trees are giving off the most pollen.

2. Compressed flowering season, and dry windy weather.

3. Malvaceae pollen because it reminds me of an old toy. From a cosmopolitain plant family.

Malvaceae pollen are small to medium sized. They are have durable hard shells, but can be broken. They can be found in sphereical,porate, or echinate forms. Spines are sometimes found, and can cause allergic reaction.

Monday, April 5, 2010

3q #3

1. What are the five states of matter?
2. What is needed to change a gas into a plasma?
3. What is the temperature at "absolute zero?" (in Farenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin)
4. What is the temperature in space? (in Kelvin)
5. What do you think plasma would like look/smell/feel/taste? How about Bose-Einstein Condensates? Do some research on other sites, but ultimately come up with your own unique answer :)

1. Solids,Liquids,Gases,Plasma,Bose-Einstein Condensates
2. By adding lots of energy
3.Fahrenheit- -459.67
Celsius- -273.15

4. 2.725 degrees Kelvin
5.Plasma would look like shiny goo, be smell and tasteless, and it would feel like watered down goo. BEC would look like a half gas and half liquid. It would smell and taste like its components, and feel like a really thick mist.

Monday, March 29, 2010

3q 2

1. List three technologies that the school plans to utilize.
2. Explain each one. (you may need to check out other websites for research)
3. Earth Day is coming up. Click on one of the Core Issues. Which one did you choose?
4. What is the big problem associated with this issue?
5. What can you do to fix this problem? Give me a solid paragraph.

1. rainwater collections, geothermal A/C and solar panel power.
2.Rainwater collections collect rainwater for future uses.
Geothermal A/C units control the schools heating and cooling system with natural power.
Solar Power Panels are used to distribute energy throughout the school.
3.Climate change
4. The Earths Climate is rapidly changing because of humans
5. In order to fix our climates we must stop using greenhouse gases. In order to do this we must stop destroying the ozone layer with vehicles. We also need to reduce use of jet fuels. This is what any person can do to save the climate: use non-toxic means of transpotation

Friday, March 26, 2010

3q 1

1. Which hurricane did you choose?
2. What category was it on the Saffir-Simpson scale?
3. Tell its story.

4. How many lives were lost? How much damage did it cause ($)?
5. Include at least one picture.

1. Hurricane Katrina

2. This hurricane reached up to Category 5 in the Gulf of Mexico, but did its most damage in Buris, Louisiana as a Category 3 Hurricane where it did the most damage.

3. Hurricane Katrina was one of the worst natural disasters in recent memory. It formed in the middle of the ocean, hit Florida as a light hurricane, went into the Gulf of Mexico ( where it gathered up enough steam to be considered a Category 5 ), then hit a lot of the southeastern U.S.A. (including Alabama, Louisiana, and Florida). When it finally dispersed (after creating 33 tornadoes) it had caused around 1200 deaths(1000 in Louisiana, and 200 in Mississipi)

4. It cost around 1200 lives and 75 billion dollars


Thursday, March 18, 2010

1. What was your best blog this quarter? What made it so good?

2. What grade do you deserve for your blogs this quarter? Why? (Remember to do some basic math here. If you have only attempted 5 out of 7 blogs, the absolute highest grade you could earn is 71%)

3. What was your favorite topic in 2nd Quarter? Why? (Ch. 8,9,10,12,14, 16) Give me a solid paragraph explaining your answer. Include a picture.

1. This Post because it is the last.

2. I deserve about an 85% to a 90% because i did all of the works but did it as simple as i could.

3.Oceanography is my favorite topic of the quarter. I think it is so facinating because i don't get to go to or live near an ocean. I also liked studying it because it isn't all known.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Friday, March 5, 2010


1. Pick one of the articles you read. List the Name of the article and publisher.
2. What was the author's thesis? (insert the quote)
3. Do you agree with their thesis? Why or why not?

1.Chile's Earthquake may have Shortened Earth's Day, Shifted Axis ,
2. Earth Shifted time by 1.26 microseconds
3. No I do not agree with the author because he doesnt have scientific facts to completely justify it.

Friday, February 26, 2010


1. Choose a scientific discipline (biochemistry, biology, chemistry, etc.) and a scientist from that list. List the scientist and discipline that you chose. What was their contribution?
2. Inventions ?List 3 cool things invented by African-Americans and the respective inventor.
3. Checkout the 101 Fast Facts. List your favorite from the "Inventions and Discoveries" tab. Who did you choose? What did they invent/discover? Why is this significant? Also checkout the "Records Breaking," "Little Known," and "Firsts" when you are done.

1. Chemistry, Ernest Just contributions on the Physiology
2. Lonnie Johnson- super soaker, W.A. Martin- Lock, W.A. Detiz- shoe
3.George T. Sampson - invented a clothes dryer that used heat from a stove- This was significant because it saved hours of time drying clothes.

Friday, February 19, 2010


1. How were Rodinia and Pangaea similar and different from each other?
2. When did the tectonic plates appear to move the fastest? (biggest difference between two consecutive maps)
3. Look at Pangaea (250 million years ago). If the continents looked like Pangaea today, what would the world be like? Think about governments, sports teams and leagues, and other aspects of life.
4. Look at Pangaea. If you could pick any place in Pangaea to start a modern civilization, where would you pick? Why? (there is a key on the bottom of the page that explains what the little letters in the maps stand for. For example, "ar" means Arabia.)

1. They are both Super Continents , but Pangaea was much later, and much more organized and easily accesible to eachother.

2. From 550 to 500 Million years ago

3. The world would be much smaller because it would all be conected and we could go anywhere we want on foot or car.

4. India because it is almost the dead center of Pangaea and would be the center of life.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


1. List all of the geologic periods in order from oldest to present (Cambrian to Quaternary).
2. Come up with a mneumonic to help you remember the order. (example: My Very Eager Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas)
3. First watch this animation. Then put the rock layers in order from the image on the right.

1. Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian,Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Tertiary, Quaternary.

2.Cool Odd Servants Dated Corny Peruvian Tacos Jerky Cookies Tarts Quickly


Tuesday, February 9, 2010


1. How deep is the deepest mine in the world?
2. How deep would you have to dig to reach the mantle?
3. Let's pretend that you and your friends tried to dig a hole in your backyard to find a shortcut to China. The thing is, you guys had special suits that could withstand extreme temperatures, so you would not die. If you were somehow able to reach the mantle, what would it look like? What kinds of things would you see? How about the outer core? Inner core? What would it look like as you approached the surface (the crust) on the other side?

1. Tautona is the deepest at 3.6 Km deep.
2. The mantle is about 35 Km below surface.
3.I think the mantle would look like a huge rock wall. I think it would look like a lot of unbreakable rock. The outer core would look like a giant metal sphere. The inner core would look like metal soup, and as i approach the surface on the other side it would get easier and easier to dig up to China.

Monday, February 8, 2010


1. What grade do you deserve for your 1st Quarter Blogs?
2. Why do you deserve this grade?
3. Which blog was your best? Why?

1. & 2. I deserve a B for my blogs because i did them all but imperfectly.

3. Blog 4 was my best because we did it in class and I had help.

Friday, January 29, 2010

# 5

1. List one sedimentary rock, and explain how you use it everyday.2. List one igneous rock, and explain how you use it everyday.3. List one metamorphic rock, and explain how you use it everyday.4. Find a picture of the coolest looking rock that you can find. What is its name? Include a picture

1. Coal is a sedimentary rock used everytime i use electricity.

2.Gabbro is an igneous rock used in concrete so i use it in everyday i drive or ride in a car.

3.Schist is a metamorphic rock used with graphite.

4. Rock Candy is the coolest rock

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


"If your parents had to buy a new 2009 or 2010 model car, and they wanted your advice, which car would you recommend? What criteria would you use? Please be realistic and consider whichever factors you feel are important."

I would recomend to my parents a Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 Spyder beacause it is really expensive and we would take care of it, and we wouldn't have to worry about fast food or anything else expensive breaking beacause it would all be sold. My mom would also like it beacause i wouldnt drink without a liver

Thursday, January 14, 2010

From the websites below, choose 5 minerals that you have used before. Also post a picture of one. For example, you could list gold if you wear any gold jewelry.

Copper- I use pennies as part of my money

Graphite- Iuse pencils everyday

Halite- I put salt on my french fries

Silver- silver jewelry

Quartz-I use a computer

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

"Which of the four sciences in Earth Science seems the most interesting to you? Why? Include at least one picture."

Oceanography is the most interesting science to me beacause it deals with life along with water.

Which map projection is your favorite? Why? Include a picture.

The Mercator Map projection is my favorite type of map beacause it is simple and effective\